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Firebase App Check

Firebase App Check helps protect your API resources from abuse by preventing unauthorized clients from accessing your backend resources. It works with both Firebase services, Google Cloud services, and your own APIs to keep your resources safe.


Start by adding the VueFireAppCheck module to the VueFire plugin:

import { VueFire, VueFireAppCheck } from 'vuefire'
app.use(VueFire, {
  firebaseApp: createFirebaseApp(),
  modules: [
    // ... other modules
      // app check options

In order to use App Check you need to enable it in the Firebase Console > App Check. You also need to setup a reCAPTCHA provider, then provide it in the VueFireAppCheck module:

import { VueFire, VueFireAppCheck } from 'vuefire'
import { ReCaptchaV3Provider } from 'firebase/app-check'

app.use(VueFire, {
  firebaseApp: createFirebaseApp(),
  modules: [
    // ... other modules
      provider: new ReCaptchaV3Provider('...')
      isTokenAutoRefreshEnabled: true,

During development, it might be convenient to use a debug token by setting debug to true. You can then add it to your debug tokens in the Firebase Console > App Check > Apps > Manage Debug Tokens.

import { VueFire, VueFireAppCheck } from 'vuefire'
import { ReCaptchaV3Provider } from 'firebase/app-check'

app.use(VueFire, {
  firebaseApp: createFirebaseApp(),
  modules: [
    // ... other modules
      provider: new ReCaptchaV3Provider('...')
      // Only use debug during development
      debug: process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production',
      isTokenAutoRefreshEnabled: true,

Released under the MIT License.