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Given the amount of steps needed to fully provision a Firebase Project, you can directly use these templates instead:

Spark plan

The Spark plan is a free plan that enable most of firebase services. With this plan, you want to prerender your app and deploy it as a static site. In order to do this, make sure not to apply the Firebase preset when bundling your app and to use the generate command:

nuxt generate

You can then let your CI deploy your app to Firebase or do it manually:

firebase deploy

Note that this requires ssr: true in your nuxt.config.ts but you can also use ssr: false and deploy your Nuxt app as a Single Page Application to Firebase Hosting. In that case you should run nuxt build instead of nuxt generate as the latter requires SSR.

Blaze plan


The Firebase preset is still experimental. It is not recommended to use it in production.

The Blaze plan is a pay-as-you-go that allows you to run Firebase Functions. It is free up to a certain amount of requests. With this plan, you can either do the same as with the Spark plan (cheaper) or build with the Firebase preset and deploy your app as a serverless function:

NITRO_PRESET=firebase nuxt build

Alternatively, you can use the nitro.preset option in your nuxt.config.ts, which will only be applied during builds.

export default defineNuxtConfig({
  nitro: {
    preset: 'firebase',
  // ...

Route Rules

On top of prerendering any routes, you can also use the routeRules option to apply any headers like cache options, redirects or even static rendering.

It is recommended not to SSR every route in your application. Instead, you should only SSR or SSG (generate at build) the routes that are critical for SEO and performance. For example, you can SSG the homepage and the product pages, but not the cart page or the admin dashboard. Here is an example of a routeRules configuration:

// nuxt.config.ts
  routeRules: {
    // Homepage pre-rendered at build time
    '/': { prerender: true },
    // Product page generated on-demand, revalidates in background
    '/products/**': { swr: true },
    // Blog post generated on-demand once until next deploy
    '/blog/**': { isr: true },
    // Admin dashboard renders only on client-side
    '/admin/**': { ssr: false },
  // ...

Custom Nitro Preset

To customize the Firebase functions configuration, it's recommended to create your own nitro preset instead of using the firebase preset.

Create a preset folder with two files:

import '#internal/nitro/virtual/polyfill'
import { onRequest } from 'firebase-functions/v2/https'

const nitroApp = useNitroApp()
const config = useRuntimeConfig()

// you might need to name this function differently
// if you have other functions deployed
export const server = onRequest(
    // You can set the region and other options here
import { fileURLToPath } from 'node:url'
import type { NitroPreset } from 'nitropack'

export default {
  extends: 'firebase',
  entry: fileURLToPath(new URL('./entry.ts', import.meta.url)),
} satisfies NitroPreset

Then set the nitro.preset in your nuxt.config.ts, this will only be used during the build process:

export default defineNuxtConfig({
  nitro: {
    preset: './preset',
  // ...

Make sure you don't have a nitro.preset option set in your nuxt.config.ts file.

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